want to be USA Curling member Club?
here are the steps.
The Officers include: The President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers will do the initial set up work outlined in the next steps.
Being incorporated takes most personal liability issues related to running a club off the officers and places liability on the club. It is also an important step in filing for 501(c)3 status or becoming a non-profit organization.
Examples of bylaws are available upon request.
USA Curling requires a Non-Discrimination Clause. We require that the following, at a minimum, be included in your Bylaws:
"XYZ Curling Club will select/admit its Individual Curlers without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, mental or physical disability, or any other basis proscribed by law.” USA Curling Non- Discrimination Policy (Policy 21-03, adopted October 2021)
A club can apply by submitting articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, a Membership roster, and a letter of acceptance from the regional association (unless At Large).
Applications meeting all requirements, it will be sent to USA Curling CEO who can authorize "Provisional Membership."
Provisional status gives the club rights and responsibilities of full membership until the club is officially voted in full status at the following USA Curling Members’ Assembly.
Being a USA Curling Member Club provides valuable benefits, including:
Host USA Curling events—courses, clinics, championships, camps
Benefit from Risk Management tools including General Liability insurance, SafeSport training and compliance, and assistance with following established Best Practices
Be eligible for zero interest, long-term loans for stone purchases and new facility development
Carry votes of Individual Members at annual Members’ Meeting
Designate two members of different genders to serve on the Club Council
Have club representation in the Club Nationals and Arena Club Nationals
Receive marketing support materials and benefit from programs such as National Curling Month and the Athlete Outreach Initiative
Be listed in the Find a Club section on usacurling.org
Access Our House, the USA Curling content platform, and its Club Operations information
Receive a USA Curling Member Club flag
Enjoy discounts from USA Curling suppliers—Jet Ice, Warm Room Hero software, Street Curling
Be directly associated with the National Governing Body for Curling and Wheelchair Curling
Member Club fees are $750 per sheet of ice at the facility. Arena Club fees are a flat $300.
Member Clubs receive a rebate of $5 for every USA Curling Individual Member who designates the club as their Primary. Clubs that submit both Member Club fees and Individual Member dues by November 30 will receive the rebate immediately. Clubs that do not submit Individual Member dues with their Member Club fees will have the discount applied the following year on December 1st.
Arena Clubs receive the same discount for each Individual Member, capped at a savings of $150.
In Year One of this new Membership Model, we understand you’ll have questions. To get answers, please reach out to us.
Questions? We’re here to help! Contact Lauren Rich or Board Secretary Dick Dawson.