1.0. General Information
The United States Curling Association (USCA—Doing Business as USA Curling) Response and Resolution Policy outlines how USA Curling processes and adjudicates reported allegations of abuse and misconduct that fall within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“the Center”) and, as well as allegations for which the Center declines jurisdiction.
The USA Curling response and resolution process is guided by the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code and the USA Curling Minor Athlete Abuse and Prevention Policy (MAAPP), Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy, and federal and state laws. USA Curling is committed to providing an effective athlete safety response process based on fairness, efficiency, and neutrality.
USA Curling policies and processes are designed to protect participants. While child sexual misconduct is one type of misconduct, it is important to remember that these policies cover many inappropriate behaviors that apply regardless of the ages of the individuals involved in the alleged activity.
1.1. Prohibited Behavior
USA Curling is committed to creating safe and positive environments for the physical, emotional, and social development of all who play our sport, free of misconduct.
The following identify the types of misconduct addressed in the SafeSport Code:
Criminal Charges or Dispositions—Including Warrants for Arrest and/or Sex Offender Registry
Child Abuse
Sexual Misconduct—Including Gender-Related Harassment, Nonconsensual Sexual Contact or Intercourse, Sexual Exploitation, Bullying, Hazing, or other inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature
Emotional and Physical Misconduct—Including Stalking, Bullying, Hazing, and Harassment
Aiding and Abetting
Misconduct Related to Reporting
Misconduct Related to the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Process
Other Inappropriate Conduct
Violation of Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies/Proactive Policies
All forms of misconduct are intolerable and in direct conflict with USA Curling ideals.
1.2. Reporting Mechanism
Report all sexual misconduct and child abuse to law enforcement and file a report with the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct. In addition to filing online, there is a U.S. Center for SafeSport Reporting Line—call 833-5US-SAFE.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive authority to investigate and resolve alleged SafeSport Code violations involving sexual misconduct.
Any participant who reasonably suspects or is aware of a MAAPP or a SafeSport Center Code (“the Code”) violation, including retaliation, should make a report here.
There are no associated costs or fees to file a report;
All reports can be submitted anonymously;
Attached to the link cited above, additional information can be accessed on referral of report protocols and jurisdictional notification protocols;
In addition, athlete safety resources and current suspensions and bans are provided here.
USA Curling encourages participants to report any acts of misconduct that they experienced, witnessed, or received information about.
The following violations should be reported to USA Curling at curlsafe@usacurling.org or by texting your concerns to the third-party Real Response service at 432-CURLING.
Non-sexual child abuse;
Emotional and physical misconduct including stalking, bullying behaviors, hazing, and harassment;
Criminal charges or dispositions not involving child abuse or sexual misconduct and minor athlete abuse and prevention policy violations.
1.3. Mandatory Reporting
Adult participants must know their reporting requirements under the Code, state law, and federal law. Furthermore, USA Curling members are required to comply with the Code, and all local, state, and federal laws.
Adult participants must report violations of the Code (including violations of the MAAPP) as well as suspicions or allegations of misconduct. All cases of suspected child abuse, including emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of a minor (under the age of 18), must be reported to law enforcement immediately.
Every participant must comply with any other applicable reporting requirements under state law. Filing a report with the Center and/or USA Curling does not satisfy this obligation.
Child abuse includes incidents that involved a victim who was a minor at the time of the alleged incident but may be an adult now.
Adult participants who learn of or reasonably suspect sexual misconduct, criminal charges or dispositions involving sexual misconduct, or misconduct involving minors, misconduct related to the Center’s process, including aiding and abetting, abuse of process, and/or retaliation must report the incident(s) directly to the Center.
Adult participants who learn of or reasonably suspect emotional or physical misconduct (including bullying, stalking, hazing, and harassment) must report the incident(s) to USA Curling.
Reports may be made anonymously, but it may not be possible to verify that Mandatory Reporting obligations have been satisfied. Where appropriate, the investigative process may require further input and anonymous reporting may make it difficult for USA Curling and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport to move forward with an investigation.
All mandatory reports are tracked in the USA Curling Complaints and Investigations internal database to ensure compliance with state and federal law, and the Center’s requirements.
For further information, USA Curling has adopted the Code’s definition of Mandatory Reporting and Failure to Report. USA Curling complies with all applicable policies and procedures as outlined in the Code.
1.4. When a Report is Made
When a report is made directly to SafeSport, the Center will review the report and inform USA Curling if it is claiming jurisdiction. When SafeSport claims jurisdiction, USA Curling is barred, by law, from conducting any further investigation, regardless of the outcome of the Center’s ruling.
When SafeSport declines jurisdiction over a report, the USA Curling Independent Reviewer and the USA Curling Judicial Committee will determine if further investigation is required to resolve violations that are non-sexual in nature, including physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, bullying, hazing, and harassment.
If the decision is made to investigate, the Independent Reviewer and the Judicial Committee will decide to conduct that investigation internally or contract with a third-party provider.
When a report is made directly to USA Curling, the steps identified below will be followed:
Each report made directly to or received by USA Curling will be logged into a database by USA Curling staff.
Each report will be sent to and reviewed by the Independent Reviewer and the USA Curling Judicial Committee.
The Judicial Committee is responsible, consistent with applicable law, for deciding if the report should be sent to SafeSport or requires further investigation by USA Curling.
If it is determined the report should not be sent to SafeSport, the Judicial Committee will assess:
What, if any, investigation is required to address the issue.
If investigation is required, depending on the circumstances, the complaint will be investigated and addressed internally by USA Curling or, if appropriate, sent to a third-party provider for investigation and recommendations to USA Curling.
The results of the investigation and any recommendation made will be reported to the complainant.
Any investigation will be completed within 90 days of receipt of the report. f
An appeal process to the Board of Directors will be available within 10 days of a Judicial Committee decision.
USA Curling recognizes it can be difficult for an athlete, teammate, friend, or family member to report an allegation of misconduct and strives to remove as many barriers to reporting as possible. USA Curling appreciates the willingness to report inappropriate behavior.
A report of abuse, misconduct, or policy violation that is malicious, frivolous, or made in bad faith is prohibited. Such reports will be considered a violation and grounds for disciplinary action. Depending on the nature of the allegation, a person making a malicious, frivolous, or bad-faith report may also be subject to civil or criminal proceedings.
1.5. Prohibition of Retaliation
Retaliation before, during, or after the process of resolving an abuse or misconduct allegation is prohibited by USA Curling and the Center.
For further information, USA Curling has adopted the definition of “Retaliation” and applicable policies and procedures as provided in the Code.
Retaliation or attempt to the do the same by a Participant, someone acting on behalf of a Participant, USA Curling, a USA Curling Club or Regional Association, the USOPC, or any organization under the Center’s jurisdiction is prohibited.
The Center defines Retaliation as follows: Retaliation is any adverse action or threat to take any adverse action against any person related to allegations of Prohibited Conduct.
Adverse actions include, but are not limited to, threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, or any other action or conduct with the potential effect of dissuading any reasonable person from reporting Prohibited Conduct or engaging in activity related to any reporting or investigative processes.
Retaliation may take place at any time, including before, during, or after an individual’s reporting or engagement in the processes of the Center or other relevant organization under the Center’s jurisdiction.
Retaliation may be present even where there is a finding that no violation occurred. Retaliation does not include good-faith actions lawfully pursued in response to a report of a Code violation.
1.6 No Interference
USA Curling will not interfere in, attempt to interfere in, or attempt to influence the outcome of the Center’s investigation. Participants are also prohibited from interfering in, attempting to interfere in, or attempting to influence the outcome any USA Curling investigation or the Center’s investigation. For further information, USA Curling has adopted the definition of “No Interference” and applicable policies and procedures as provided in the Code.
2.0. Response and Resolution Policies and Process
2.1. Overview
Incoming complaints reported to USA Curling are evaluated to determine jurisdiction. Reports are reviewed to determine if the Center has Exclusive or Discretionary Jurisdiction as defined below in Section 2.2.
2.2. Definitions
Exclusive Jurisdiction: The Center has the exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations that a Participant engaged in one or more of the following:
Sexual Misconduct, including without limitation child sexual abuse and any misconduct that is reasonably related to an underlying allegation of Sexual Misconduct; Criminal Charges or Dispositions involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
Misconduct Related to Reporting, where the underlying allegation involves Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
Misconduct Related to Aiding and Abetting, Abuse of Process, or Retaliation, when it relates to the Center’s process;
Other Inappropriate Conduct, as defined in the Code.
Discretionary Jurisdiction: The Center has discretionary jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations that a Participant engaged in one or more of the following:
a. Non-sexual Child Abuse;
b. Emotional and physical misconduct, including stalking, bullying behaviors, hazing, and harassment;
c. Criminal Charges or Dispositions not involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
d. Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy or other similar Proactive Policy violations;
e. Misconduct Related to Aiding and Abetting, Abuse of Process, or Retaliation, when it relates to the processes of the USOPC, USA Curling, USA Curling Clubs or Regional Associations, or any other organization under the Center’s jurisdiction.
2.3. Determining Jurisdiction/Jurisdiction Notification
Any report received by USA Curling of an allegation that falls within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction will be referred by USA Curling directly to the Center immediately and no later than within 24 hours.
USA Curling will promptly inform an identified reporting party of its jurisdictional determination as determined in Section 2.1., above.
USA Curling member clubs and Regional Associations do not collect any reports of misconduct, MAAPP violations, or retaliation. All reported complaints are resolved by either USA Curling or the Center. The following are the steps used to determine jurisdiction and file a report.
1. Per the USA Curling Bylaws, Article 15, if USA Curling receives a complaint that falls under the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction, USA Curling will:
a. Request that the reporting party submit a free report online directly to the USCSS here.
b. Submit a report to the Center within 24 hours, if one has not already been submitted.
c. Contact law enforcement within 24 hours, if applicable.
d. Ensure all requirements are met pursuant to Section 1.3, Mandatory Reporting.
2. If USA Curling receives a complaint that falls under the Center’s discretionary jurisdiction, and USA Curling does not have a conflict of interest, USA Curling will:
a. If applicable, instruct the Claimant to complete the USA Curling SafeSport Reporting Form or submit information to curlsafe@usacurling.org.
b. Promptly notify the Claimant of jurisdiction or referral to the Center.
3. Should the Center accept jurisdiction:
a. USA Curling is responsible for notifying the Claimant of jurisdiction.
b. USA Curling will comply with Section 1.6, No Interference, and shall await notification of outcome from the Center.
4. Should the Center decline jurisdiction:
a. USA Curling will notify the Claimant.
b. The USA Curling Independent Reviewer and the USA Curling Judicial Committee will determine if further investigation is required to resolve violations that are non-sexual in nature, including physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, bullying, hazing, and harassment.
5. If USA Curling receives a complaint that falls under the Center’s discretionary jurisdiction, and USA Curling has a conflict of interest, USA Curling will:
a. File the report with the Center and notify the Claimant.
b. USA Curling will comply with Section 1.6, No Interference, and shall await notification of outcome from the Center.
2.4. Internal Procedures for Conducting an Investigation (USA Curling Jurisdiction)
If the decision is made by USA Curling to investigate, the Independent Reviewer and the Judicial Committee will decide whether to conduct that investigation internally or to contract with a third-party provider using the steps identified below.
Data Collection: USA Curling will provide opportunities for both the Claimant and Respondent (person who is the subject of the report) to provide information for consideration and will proceed to Preliminary Inquiry.
a. USA Curling will promptly confirm jurisdiction with the Claimant, such that the matter is being accepted by USA Curling.
b. USA Curling will review the USA Curling SafeSport Reporting Form and direct the Claimant to submit the form as stated in Section 2.3.2.a.
c. USA Curling will confirm with the Claimant the next steps, to include a formal interview and advise the Claimant of confidentiality. USA Curling will advise Claimant that:
i. Information may be accessed by the SafeSport and Compliance Administrator, executive staff, the Center, and/or law enforcement.
ii. Information may also be shared with club directors, officers, officials, coaches, and team leaders to assist with the enforcement of safety plan(s) and temporary measure(s).
d. USA Curling will confirm whether the Claimant would like to remain anonymous.
e. USA Curling will request a list of witnesses.
f. USA Curling will review Section 1.5, Prohibition of Retaliation and the Retaliation definition as outlined in the Code.
g. USA Curling will send Notice of Allegations to both the Claimant and the Respondent and advise of opportunity to identify and provide a witness list and contact information.
2. Interviews: USA Curling will begin conducting interviews. Interviews may be conducted in person, or by telephone or video call.
a. The Claimant and their witnesses will be interviewed first.
i. Witnesses will be advised of Confidentiality as stated in Section 2.4.1.e.
ii. Both the Claimant and their witnesses may submit evidence.
b. USA Curling will interview the Respondent and their witnesses after the Claimant and their witnesses have been interviewed.
c. All witnesses will be advised of Confidentiality as stated in Section 2.4.1.e.
d. Both Claimant and Respondent and their witnesses may submit evidence.
3. Administrative Closure: If based on the investigation, the Independent Reviewer or the Judicial Committee determines:
a. That there is not probable cause (i.e., no fair basis or probability) to believe that the Complaint has merit or that; and
b. The underlying facts and circumstances give rise to an issue that is appropriate for resolution under the USA Curling Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy; then
c. USA Curling will issue an Administrative Closure and provide notice to both the Claimant and the Respondent, and
d. USA Curling has the discretion to provide a Warning Letter, if applicable.
4. Hearing Granted: If, based on the investigation, the Independent Reviewer and the USA Curling Judicial Committee determines:
a. That there is probable cause (i.e., fair basis or probability) to believe that the Complaint has merit; or
b. That the underlying facts and circumstances give rise to an issue that is appropriate for resolution under the USA Curling Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy; then
c. USA Curling will request a hearing through the Independent Reviewer and the USA Curling Judicial Committee.
5. Evidentiary Standards: USA Curling must clearly identify and articulate the evidentiary standard applied to the evaluation of alleged misconduct and/or policy violation.
a. USA Curling will document the evidentiary standard was met in an Investigative Summary.
b. If temporary measures have not already been established, USA Curling will review and implement any temporary measures as deemed appropriate.
c. USA Curling will complete a Case Resolution Form.
d. USA Curling will submit a case referral to the USA Curling Judicial Committee pursuant to the USA Curling Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy and USA Curling Bylaws Article 15.
e. All reports are tracked on the USA Curling Complaints and Investigations internal database, to include allegations and outcomes.
f. All communications, interviews, and evidence will be documented and logged in to the USA Curling case file and/or USA Curling’s Complaints and Investigations internal database.
2.5. Temporary Measures
1. USA Curling may implement Temporary Measures at any time if an assessment of known facts and evidence suggests that measures are necessary to mitigate risk, or to protect athletes or the sport community.
a. USA Curling may only implement Temporary Measures if the case falls under USA Curling’s jurisdiction and/or USA Curling is awaiting a determination on jurisdiction from the Center.
b. Once the Center has accepted jurisdiction:
i. USA Curling will comply with Section 1.6. No Interference.
ii. USA Curling will advise the Center of any organization-imposed temporary measure or safety plan.
c. During the investigation, if it is determined that the safety plan or temporary measures are no longer required, USA Curling may lift these measures at any time.
2. The Center may, at any time, impose temporary measures. A Temporary Measure shall be effective immediately upon notice, unless stated otherwise.
a. Temporary Measure(s) will remain in effect until the Center expressly removes the Temporary Measure(s).
b. If/when the Center expressly exercises jurisdiction over allegations regarding a particular Participant, USA Curling, by law, cannot issue a response to those allegations, a suspension or other restriction that may deny or threaten to deny a Respondent’s opportunity to participate in sport.
3. Upon the Center’s issuance of a Notice of Exercise of Jurisdiction, any temporary measures previously imposed by the USOPC, or USA Curling will be automatically and immediately adopted by the Center as its own:
a. Will be applicable throughout all Olympic, Paralympic, Pan American and Para Pan sports in the United States, and
b. Will remain in effect unless and until the Center modifies those measures. USA Curling will notify the Center within 72 hours of any Temporary Measures previously imposed.
3.0. Requests from the Center
3.1. Internal Procedures for Responding to the Center’s Request for Information
USA Curling will respond to a Request for Information from the Center within 72 hours, to include:
1. Does USA Curling consider this person to be a Participant as defined by the SafeSport Code? If yes, please provide USA Curling’s rationale;
2. USA Curling will provide the Center with the eligibility status of a Participant.
3. Please confirm whether USA Curling has a conflict of interest with this individual;
4. Please provide any information regarding this person’s current, former, or prospective role(s) related to any national team, Olympic/ Paralympic team, or employment with this National Governing Body.
5. Provide a screen shot or PDF copy of this individual’s member record (including DOB, current physical, and email addresses);
6. Provide a screen shot or PDF copy of this individual’s membership history; and
7. Provide any information concerning any prior or current disciplinary action against this individual, including documentation of any Temporary Measures or safety plan imposed by USA Curling or Local Affiliated Organization.
8. The Center will not adopt any existing Temporary Measures if USA Curling does not promptly provide documentation of their existence.
9. At any time, should the Center choose to change the information requested, USA Curling will immediately comply.
4.0. Enforcing Sanctions and Temporary Measures from USA Curling and the Center
4.1. Internal Procedures for Issuing Sanctions from USA Curling.
1. If, based on the investigation, the Independent Reviewer and Judicial Committee determines that there is probable cause (i.e., fair basis or probability) to believe that the Complaint has merit or that the underlying facts and circumstances give rise to an issue that is appropriate for resolution under the USA Curling Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy, the Independent Reviewer, in consultation with the Chair of the Judicial Committee, may attempt to informally mediate and resolve the dispute that is the subject of the Complaint to the satisfaction of the parties.
2. If the complaint cannot be resolved under Section 4.1.1. the Independent Reviewer will request a hearing to be set by the USA Curling Judicial Committee. The Judicial Committee will follow procedures pursuant to the USA Curling Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy, Article 15.
3. If the Judicial Committee Hearing Panel determines there is a preponderance of evidence, the Hearing Panel will follow procedures as outlined in the USA Curling’s Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy as it pertains to notification, sanctions, and discipline.
4. USA Curling will update the Respondent’s member account accordingly, to include notes indicating the discipline and/or sanctions imposed. This information will be documented in the USA Curling Complaints and Investigations Tracking internal database, in addition to the Respondent’s member profile.
5. If applicable, USA Curling will update the public facing website to reflect the member’s first name, last name, state, and reason for suspension. This information will also be documented in the member newsletter as well. Any persons that would be responsible for enforcing temporary measures and/or a safety plan will be notified as well.
6. Administrative Hold lists will be maintained internally by USA Curling in the event the person on the Administrative Hold list attempts to reinstate or gain membership.
4.2. Internal Procedures for Complying with Sanctions Issued by the Center
1. When USA Curling receives an email from the Center containing information about a sanction that was imposed, the member for whom the sanction is issued should have already received notification from the Center regarding such sanction(s).
2. USA Curling will then update the member account to reflect the sanction via suspension or probation and add internal notes to their account. USA Curling will update any interested parties who need to be aware of the sanction (i.e., Coach, Club Leader, Staff, etc.) for enforcement and athlete safety purposes.
3. If the sanction is a suspension, USA Curling will post the suspension on the USA Curling website and in the USA Curling newsletter. USA Curling will also notify the USA Curling insurance carrier of any suspensions due to sexual or physical misconduct. An Administrative Hold list will be maintained internally with USA Curling. If a person on the Administrative Hold list attempts to reinstate or gain membership, USA Curling will notify the Center.
4.3 United States Olympic and Paralympic (USOPC) Notification, If Applicable
1. USA Curling will notify the USOPC Security and Athlete Safety Office within 24 hours if a violation of a Center Code or MAAPP violation has occurred at any Olympic and Paralympic Training Center (OPTC) and/or at a USOPC delegation event and/or;
2. If any alleged violation has resulted in the implementation of any temporary measures that may limit an athlete’s attendance at a delegation event, access to an OPTC, and/or will impact an athlete’s eligibility for a financial stipend, EAHI and/or other support services from the USOPC.
5.1. Quality Control System
The USA Curling Athlete Safety Procedures for Event Organizers Policy is the designated Quality Control System. For any questions about the Response and Resolution process, USA Curling has a designated SafeSport and Compliance Administrator who can be reached at curlsafe@usacurling.org. Information is also available at the SafeSport Training and Educational Resource page.
6.0. Misconduct Data Reporting
6.1. Designated USA Curling SafeSport and Compliance Administrator
The USA Curling SafeSport and Compliance Administrator is the designated representative for USA Curling responsible for compiling and providing data annually to the Center. The SafeSport and Compliance Administrator is also responsible for ensuring the Response and Resolution policies are being followed. USA Curling local affiliated organizations and USA Curling members do not collect any reports of misconduct, MAAPP violations, or retaliation, nor do they collect related data. All complaints are reported to and resolved by either USA Curling or the Center.
6.2. Data Collection and Compilation
Data is collected and compiled through the following means:
1. The USA Curling SafeSport and Compliance Administrator reviews the USA Curling Complaints and Investigations Tracking internal database as defined and discussed above under Internal Procedures for Conducting an Investigation (USA Curling Jurisdiction).
2. Applicable data as requested by the Center, to include emotional and physical misconduct, MAAPP violations, and retaliation, are copied from USA Curling’s Complaints and Investigations Tracking internal database and transferred to USA Curling’s Misconduct Data Reporting internal database. Specific data that is tracked and transferred for the purposes of misconduct reporting is as outlined below.
6.3 Policy to submit to the Center “Data of Matters Addressed by the Organization”: The organization must annually submit to the Center data regarding:
1. Reports of emotional or physical misconduct made to the Organization or its local affiliated organizations.
a) Total reported incidents of alleged emotional misconduct
b) Total reported incidents of alleged physical misconduct
c) Total number of investigations of alleged emotional misconduct
d) Total number or investigations of alleged physical misconduct
e) Total number of violations for emotional misconduct adjudicated by the Organization, separated by cases adjudicated by NGB and cases adjudicated by its LAOs
f) Total number of violations for physical misconduct adjudicated by the Organization, separated by cases adjudicated by NGB and cases adjudicated by its LAOs
2. Reports to the Organization or its local affiliated organizations that a Participant violated the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP).
a) Total reported incidents of alleged violations of the MAAPP, by policy type
b) Total number of investigations of alleged violations of the MAAPP
c) Total number of violations of retaliation policy separated by cases adjudicated by NGB and cases adjudicated by LAOs
3. Reports to the Organization or its local affiliated organization that a Participant engaged in retaliation.
a)Total reported incidents of alleged retaliation
b) Total number of investigations of alleged retaliation
c) Total number of violations of retaliation policy separated by cases adjudicated by NGB and cases adjudicated by LAOs
6.4 Annual Data Submission
1. The USA Curling SafeSport and Compliance Administrator is responsible for compiling and providing data annually to the Center. USA Curling’s local affiliated organizations do not collect any reports of misconduct, violations of this Policy, the Code, the MAAPP, retaliation, or related data. All reports are required to be submitted and resolved by either USA Curling or the Center. The following data will be collected and reported:
a. Reports of emotional or physical misconduct made to USA Curling
b. Total reported incidents of alleged emotional misconduct
c. Total reported incidents of alleged physical misconduct
d. Total number of investigations of alleged emotional misconduct
e. Total number of investigations of alleged physical misconduct
f. Total number of violations for emotional misconduct adjudicated by USA Curling
g. Total number of violations for physical misconduct adjudicated by USA Curling.
2. Reports to USA Curling that a participant violated the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
a. Total reported incidents of alleged violations of the MAAP, by policy type
b. Total number of investigations of alleged violations of the MAAPP
c. Total number of violations of the MAAPP adjudicated by USA Curling
3. Reports to USA Curling that a participant engaged in retaliation
a. Total reported incidents of alleged retaliation
b. Total number of investigations of alleged retaliation
c. Total number of violations of retaliation policy adjudicated by USA Curling
*Investigation is defined as an attempt to contact the Claimant, Respondent, and applicable Witnesses. USA Curling may investigate a complaint and determine that there is not enough information to proceed, and/or the Claimant determines they do not want to participate; this does not constitute a formal investigation.
Reporting methods include:
Telephone: 833-587-7233
Online: U.S. Center for SafeSport (online reports are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
For more detailed information about reporting to the Center click here.
Any reports made to USA Curling that fall under the jurisdiction of the US Center for SafeSport will be forwarded to the Center. The Center has exclusive jurisdiction over such cases.
*Reporting to the Center and/or USA Curling DOES NOT satisfy any legal reporting requirements under state or federal law. If the suspected conduct may also be criminal, you are strongly encouraged to report to law enforcement. For state-by-state reporting requirements, see www.childwelfare.gov.