Chris Moore Legacy Fund
Chris Moore had a keen passion for the sport of curling and worked for many years to bring curling into national prominence as a legitimate sport. Chris had long served on the USCA Board of Directors as a regional representative, Treasurer and Vice President of Championships. He was the sitting President of USCA when he lost his battle with cancer in the winter of 2009.
While Chris supported and encouraged curling at the elite national and international level, he also recognized that, in order to keep the sport alive, there needed to be direct support of junior curling. He understood that curling is one of the few team sports that integrates honesty, etiquette, and exercise into a positive experience for young people.
The Chris Moore Legacy Fund (CMLF) has been established in his memory to fulfill this desire.
The CMLF awards travel stipends to U18 champions to compete in the Junior Slam in Canada.
The Chris Moore family desires to grow this fund to a level that awards several travel stipends to grassroots U18 teams and supports/recruits coaches to further develop curling at the U18 level.