Board Standing Committees
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The USCA will have five standing committees that report to the Board of Directors. To find out more about each committee, click on the details on the left side of this page.
Audit and Finance
The Audit/Finance Committee will consist of five (5) members, one of which will be an athlete-elected representative who is a director.The Board of Directors will elect the members of the Audit/Finance Committee, all of whom will be directors of the Board. One member of the committee will, preferably, be an independent director with financial experience. The chair of said committee will be appointed by the chair of the Board out of the elected committee members.
The Audit/Finance Committee will:
Recommend the independent auditor of USCA, review the report of the independent auditors and management letter, and recommend action as needed;
Investigate and recommend matters of fiscal controls and disclosure and such other matter as directed by the Board;
Perform such other duties as assigned by the Board.
The Audit/Finance Committee may meet periodically with management, USCA’s financial staff, and USCA’s outside auditor. The Chair of the Audit/Finance Committee, or its designee, will meet with the outside auditor prior to the release and filing of USCA’s audit reports.
Ethics Committee:
(a) The term of the Ethics Committee members will be for four (4) years. No committee member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
(b) The Ethics Committee will consist of three (3) members, one of which will be an athlete-elected representative, and none of whom will be current members of the Board. The other two members will be elected by the Board. The chair of the Board will appoint the chair of the Ethics Committee from the three (3) members.
(c) The Ethics Committee will:
Oversee implementation of, and compliance with, the Code of Ethics and Fiduciary Responsibilities;
Report to the Board on all ethical issues;
Develop, and review on an annual basis, a Code of Ethics and Fiduciary Responsibilities for the Board, officers, committee and task force members, volunteers, staff and member organizations for adoption by the Board;
Generally administer and oversee compliance with the Code of Ethics and Fiduciary Responsibilities;
Review and investigate matters of ethical and fiduciary impropriety and make recommendations on such matters to the Board;
Review and provide guidance on ethical questions and fiduciary responsibilities presented to it by the Board, officers, committee and task force members, volunteers, staff and USCA members;
Perform such other duties as assigned by the Board.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Committee will consist of three members who are directors, one of which will be an athlete-elected representative. The Chair of the Board will appoint these three (3) members and will appoint the Chair of the committee from said three (3) members.
Each of the Human Resources Committee members will serve at the pleasure of the Chair. No committee member may serve more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms.
Human Resources Committee will:
Review and recommend employee benefit programs;
Review and recommend compensation for the CEO;
Conduct an annual review of the job performance of the CEO; and
Perform such other duties as assigned by the chair
The Judicial Committee will consist of five (5) members, one of which will be an athlete-elected representative, and none of whom will be current members of the Board. The other four (4) members will be elected by the Board. The chair of the Board will appoint the chair of the Judicial Committee from the five (5) members. At least one (1) member of the Judicial Committee will have legal training.
The term of the Judicial Committee members will be four (4) years. No committee member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
The Judicial Committee will:
Generally administer and oversee all administrative grievances and right to compete matters filed with USCA;
Identify individuals who would be fair and impartial and who would have the qualifications and ability to serve on hearing panels;
Hear and render a decision, or appoint a panel to hear and render a decision, on grievances and disciplinary matters;
Hear and render a decision after hearing held pursuant to Section 5.6; and
Perform such other duties as assigned by the Board
Nominating and Governance
The Nominating/Governance Committee will consist of five (5) members, one (1) of which will be an athlete-elected representative. The other four (4) members will be elected by the Board. The chair of the Nominating/ Governance Committee will be elected by its members.
The terms of the Nominating/Governance Committee members will be four (4) years. No committee member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
No individual will be eligible to be a member of the Nominating/Governance Committee if that individual is a current director of the USCA. No individual who serves on the Nominating/Governance Committee may serve or be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Members of the Nominating/Governance Committee will be precluded from serving as a Board director for a period of one (1) year after his/her term on the Nominating/Governance Committee ends.
The Nominating/Governance Committee will be responsible for nominating candidates for the Board of Directors, all standing committees, and as USA representatives to the World Curling Federation. When nominating said candidates, the Nominating/Governance Committee will be guided by the provisions of Sections 4.1(b)(vi) and 7.6(b) of these By-Laws as amended from time to time towards the goal of having candidates who provide diversity in the governance of the USCA.
As applied to any perspective nominee, the Nominating/Governance Committee:
Will identify and evaluate prospective candidates;
Will select individuals to serve on any position as provided in these By-Laws;
May take into consideration the candidate’s contribution to effective functioning of the USCA;
May take into consideration any potential or impending change in the candidate’s principal area of responsibility with his/her company or in his/her employment;
May take into consideration whether the candidate brings or continues to bring relevant experience to the Board or committee, as is applicable;
May take into consideration whether the candidate has the ability to attend meetings and fully participate in the activities of the Board or committee, as applicable;
May take into consideration the candidate’s reputation for personal integrity and commitment to ethical conduct;
May take into consideration whether the candidate has developed any relationships with another organization, or other circumstances have arisen, that might may make it inappropriate for the director to continue serving on the Board or committee, as applicable;
Shall consult with the Ethics Committee with respect to vetting all nominees for potential conflict of interest or other problematic background issues.
The Nominating/Governance Committee will perform such other duties as assigned by the Board. Within a reasonable time prior to the election, the Nominating/Governance Committee will provide to all of the Members an invitation to submit the names and qualifications of prospective nominees for identified positions to the Nominating/Governance Committee.