Member Assembly Operational Committees
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There will be operational committees as are necessary and reasonable to complete the operational work needed to meet the ongoing scope and depth of services and programs provided to the Members and Individual Curlers.
The CEO, in consultation with the Members' Assembly, will determine the need for specific operational committees.
The operational committees will be organized into three groups. These groups are Organizational Development, Member Development and Grassroots Competition (hereinafter groups). The Organizational Development group may include areas such as Athlete/Curler Recognition, leadership development, revenue development and media/public relations. The Member Development group may include areas such as training and instruction, safe sport, facilities development, membership development and youth curling. The Grassroots Competition group may include areas such as non-high performance championship sanctioning, format and operations, awards, and request for ruling applicable to non-high performance championships.
The number and tasks of specific operational committees in each of the three groups will be determined by the CEO in consultation with the Managing Chairs of each of the groups.
The Managing Chair of each of the groups together with the CEO, the Growth and Development Manager and such other individuals as the CEO, in his/her discretion determines, will constitute the Operating Group. The Operating Group will meet from time to time, at the CEO's discretion. The Operating Group will advise and report to the CEO and the Growth and Development Manager on the operational affairs of the USCA.
The CEO may appoint such additional operational advisory task forces as the CEO deems appropriate, and will define narrowly the mission and deliverables of such task forces. The decision to appoint or not appoint and to terminate such a task force will be exclusively the CEO’s.