Home / About Us / Diversity & Inclusion / Education and Resources
The resources provided here are not intended as a solution for all situations.
However, this is a “living” list of resources maintained by USA Curling’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee for clubs and/or curlers to reference when moving toward a more diverse and inclusive curling community.
Everyday Operations Inclusivity Audit
A list of actions within day-to-day operations that can help promote inclusivity.
Make an effort to broomstack. Especially with those Learn to Curl attendees and newbie curlers who may also be biracial/persons of color, LGBTQIA or other. You might find that their outlook is similar or extremely different than yours - but sharing the experience of curling is a good way to start the conversation, make newbies feel more welcomed and possibly make new friends!
Review your website/social media pages, handouts, and flyers. Think about what imagery or copy you can include in your media to ensure that everyone knows they are welcome.
Statements of support. Add a welcoming message or statement in support of diversity and inclusion to your website or social media pages explaining your club welcomes everyone. See Sample Clubs & Organizations Statements and Policies page for possible language.
FAQs. Consider adding an FAQ to your website where people can ask questions - give curlers a chance to feel safe asking questions.
Symbols of welcome. Speaking of a welcoming environment, adding other signals to your club or facility can show your support, such a flags or signage.
Discuss at Board Meetings. If you are part of your club’s leadership, get the topic of Diversity and Inclusion on the agenda of your next board meeting, recommend you can publicly express your support to help diversify the sport; join the Icebreakers program.
Go out of your way to ensure the people feel welcomed. Think about holding learn to curl or other instructional opportunities in other languages to welcome different populations. If you are not bilingual, reach out to your club or community to find volunteers to either help translate or actually teach the learn to curl.
Always keep the Spirit of Curling in mind with every decision you make. The Spirit of Curling refers to the respect curlers show, not only to one another, but also to the sport itself.
Appropriately name all club events and bonspiels. Ensure that all club events and bonspiels are not named or themed around the taking of or appropriation of other cultures.
Encourage others to promote inclusive practices.
Olympic Resources
International Olympic Committee:
United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee:
Webinars & Podcasts
Introduction to Ice Breakers with Dean Gemmell and Deb Martin
Curler Outreach Program – Panel Discussion: Diversity in Curling
Goldline’ Instagram Series – Continue the Conversation with Dr. Richard Norman
Rocks Across the Pond Podcast: Take this Hammer – Making our Community More Inclusive
Diversity in Curling Roundtable (June 17, 2020)
Curling & Pride (July 1, 2020)
Diversity, Inclusion & Growing the Sport (August 5, 2020)
Growing the Game with Rocks & Rings (August 12, 2020)
Identity, Race & Sports (September 9, 2020)
USA Curling’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee is comprised of volunteers, staff members, and athletes who are dedicated to working together to make curling as inclusive as possible. Each committee members’ name listed below is linked to their email address. Should you have any questions, concerns, ideas, etc., to help support the committee’s mission, please reach out to any member at any time!